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· 3 min read
Kieran O'Neill

Kibisis release 3D pixel icon in space


We are proud to present a new milestone in the development of Kibisis: v1.14.0!

It has been a long time coming, but we are very excited to announce the release of NFTs! You can now view your ARC-0072 NFTs under the NFT tab on the accounts page.

Below you will find more details about what else is new in this release.


ARC-0072 NFT Support

You can not see all your ARC-0072 NFTs under the NFT tab. Your NFTs should automatically appear under this tab (no need to manually).

NFT list under the NFT tab on the Account pageNFT list under the NFT tab on the Account page

And you can see more information about the NFT by selecting one.

NFT viewNFT view

Remove Standard Asset

If like us, you participated in the early access Voi Winter Games, you may have been given a standard asset and wanted to remove it. Well, version 1.14.0 now allows you to opt-out of a standard asset.

Remove a standard assetRemove a standard asset

⚠️ NOTE: There is a transaction fee associated with "opting-out" of standard assets. This is a protocol requirement and cannot be avoided, unlike ARC-0200 assets.

Minimum Balance Requirement Error Message

A new error message is shown, if your account falls below the minimum balance requirement for a transaction. Either sending assets, adding assets or removing assets.

Minimum balance requiremnet error messageMinimum balance requiremnet error message


  • Main app window should launch with focus on Chrome.

Closing Words

Thank you for your continued interest in Kibisis! We hope you are enjoying using it.

Remember, if you see any bugs, please report the issue here. If you would like to make any suggestions on new features, you can fill out a feature request here.

· 4 min read
Kieran O'Neill

Kibisis release 3D pixel icon in space


We are proud to present a new milestone in the development of Kibisis: v1.9.0!

A Happy New Year from the team here at Agora Labs!

As we enter the new year, we have but a humble update as version 1.9.0 is all about the little things. We have been working on improving some quality of life features that may not be big or bold, but do pack a punch; because we all know it is the little things that count 😉

Below you will find more details about what is new in this release.


Rename Your Account

A feature that has been requested a few times is the ability to rename your account, and so, we are happy to announce this is now possible!

On the account page, you will now notice an edit button next to the account address:

Edit accountEdit account

Pressing this will allow you to edit your account name until your heart is content. Give it a go!

Account name editable stateAccount name editable state

About Settings

A new option is now available on the settings page: About.

This page will provide information about the Kibisis extension, such as the extension ID and the version. The About page will be updated from time to time with new information that maybe helpful for you throughout your use of Kibisis.

⚠️ NOTE: the version was previous at the bottom of the main settings page, this is no longer the case and has been moved to the "About" settings page.

Debug Logging

For the tech savvy, there is now an option in the "Advanced" settings that allows you to turn on debug logging. This will output a lot of useful information to the browser console.

This is also quite useful for us in terms of support, as the log is a breadcrumb trail of what happened before an error occurred and will help us identity an issue.

Re-focus Extension Window

A small but nifty feature is the ability to re-focus the extension when the Kibisis button is pressed again.

Pressing Enter On Password Submission

Us humans have made the keyboard ubiquitous to our lives, as such we are now compelled to press the Enter/Return when we finish typing input, especially when inputting our password.

To embrace this new natural human function, in Kibisis, pressing the Enter/Return key after you have typed out your password will now submit it!

As we said, the little things.


  • Native currency will no longer show as a "ASA" type on the send asset summary screen.

Closing Words

Thank you for your continued interest in Kibisis! We hope you are enjoying using it.

Remember, if you see any bugs, please report the issue here. If you would like to make any suggestions on new features, you can fill out a feature request here.

· 3 min read
Kieran O'Neill

Kibisis release 3D pixel icon in space


We are proud to present a new milestone in the development of Kibisis: v1.8.0!

First and foremost, a Merry Christmas 🎄 from the team here at Agora Labs! The new version of Kibisis, version 1.8.0, is all about supporting ARC-200 tokens, the sexy new type of AVM assets. But that's not all, we have also brought in Standard Asset opt-ins as well as various fixes that squash some annoying bugs.

Below you will find more details about what is new in this release.


ARC-200 Support

The new ARC-200 token standard represents a major upgrade for assets on the AVM (Algorand Virtual Machine). They allow assets to utilize the power of smart contracts, by actually being a smart contract!

ARC-200 tokens have been inspired by the equivalent ERC-20 on EVM chains. ERC-20 tokens underpin almost all tokens on EVM and so it is only fitting that AVM also has an asset of similar standard.

The team here at Agora Labs have been working hard over Christmas to get ARC-200 support ready. With version 1.8.0, you can not add an ARC-200 asset, if you know the application ID:

Add ARC-0200 assetAdd ARC-0200 asset

The beauty of ARC-200 is that it is free to opt-in, yes that is right, ARC-200 does not require a fee to opt-in!

Once the ARC-200 asset has been added, it will appear in your asset holdings, and you will be able to check your balance, send and receive!

ARC-0200 supportARC-0200 support

To learn more about ARC-200, make sure you check out the specification here.

Standard Asset Opt-in

Although there is a lot of talk about ARC-200, let us not forget one of the most powerful features of the AVM: Standard Assets. These assets are baked into the very heart of the AVM protocol and are a feature that makes AVM chains the best in class.

The new version of Kibisis allows you to opt-in to standard assets, using an opt-in transaction, which, at the time of writing will cost you 0.01; the standard fee amount.


  • The amount field on the sending asset screen now correctly handles decimals.
  • The send asset screen no longer shows a blank screen when coming from the settings page.
  • Minor fixes.

Closing Words

Thank you for your continued interest in Kibisis! We hope you are enjoying using it.

Remember, if you see any bugs, please report the issue here. If you would like to make any suggestions on new features, you can fill out a feature request here.